Saturday, December 6, 2014

Shareholic Related Post Gadget For Blogger

I have shared many types of related posts gadget which includes nrelate related posts gadget, outbrain related posts gadget, linkwithin related posts gadget etc because related posts gadget is very important for every blog and website. It helps in seo and also increases pageviews of a blog. Related posts gadgets which I have previously shared are with thumbnails though some of them can be also added in a way that it will show links only(simple related posts gadget).
Once again I am back with a new related post gadget. This gadget is owned by shareholic which is a leading content amplification website. Shareholic provides sharing buttons also. This gadget is awesome, you can select different styles and can also earn money by displaying partner content on your blog. To add shareholic related posts gadget in your blog you need a shareholic account as shareholic requires registration first before using their share buttons or related content gadget. You can see screenshot of shareholic related posts gadget below.


Similar to other related posts gadgets shareholic related content gadget also have some feature. Some main features are mentioned below:

  • It is free of cost you don't to need to pay for it.
  • It has different themes e.g round boxes, carded style, text only, classic style, Vertical etc.
  • Easy to use(takes less than 4 minutes to install).
  • Reports of clicks on posts.
  • Earn money by enabling affiliate links.
  • Won't slow down your blog or block pages from loading.

As I said registration is required to use shareholic related content gadget therefore first go to shareholic sign-up page, register a free account. Shareholic registration is not like other websites, it requires confirmation too. So first register your shareholic account, confirm E-mail and then confirm your site, to confirm your site follow below steps:

  • Go to Shareholic and log-in to your account.
  • Now go to publisher tools and click on Get setup code.
  • Copy the code and go to blogger dashboard.
  • Click on template and Edit Html.
  • Search for </head> by using Ctrl+F on your keyboard and just above it paste the copied code.
  • Click on save template and you are done.
  • Now go to Shareholic publisher tools page again and click on verify site.
  • Congratulations! you have successfully verified your site and now you can use shareholic share buttons or related content gadget and can also see reports of your post shares and clicks on related posts.

After registration and verification another thing comes that is how to use related posts gadget in blogger, so follow below steps to add shareholic related posts gadget in your blog:

  • First of all go to log-in to your account and click on get started below Related content.
  • Now type the name of location where the related posts will appear e.g above posts, below posts, below footer etc.
  • Now below Name type Headline text which will appear above your related posts e.g you may also like, don't miss..., related posts, also see etc.
  • In the end choose theme of your related posts, there are 6 types of themes choose the one which you like.
  • After choosing theme click on Save settings.
  • You will be redirected to a page after following above step where you will see a notification that related content location was successfully created just scroll this page down to locations and click on code snippet as shown in below image:

  • Copy the code and go to blogger dashboard.
  • Go to template, click on Edit Html and search for <div class='post-footer'> by using Ctrl+F on your keyboard. Make sure to put code above second <div class='post-footer'>(search two times and paste code of the related posts above second one) otherwise it won't work.
  • Just above it paste the copied code.
  • Click on save template and you are done.
Hope you like this post and it was helpful to you. You can use different themes and can earn money also. To earn money you have to show affiliate links which is enabled in every account already, you can check it on publisher tools page. Shareholic is number 1 content amplification website and provides share buttons also. If you want to use shareholic share buttons use the same account and same method but on the publishers page choose share buttons instead of related content.

Thank you for visiting 101Helper, If you have any question about verifying account or adding related posts gadget in your blog or this gadget is not working in your blog feel free to ask me in comments or contact me. Follow and subscribe to get instant news about blogger gadgets. If you like this post take a second to share it with others.

Search Tags: Related posts gadget for blogger, Related posts gadget with different styles, Related posts gadget for website, how to earn money with related posts gadget, 101Helper gadgets for blogger, Related posts gadget with thumbnails for blogger, related posts gadget with text only for blogger. 

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