Sunday, October 30, 2016

Jquery On-click Pop Up Light Box Video Player For Blogger

Jquery on-click pop up light box video player for blogger

Showing videos in a pop up light box like blogger lightbox images is really cool and it boosts video views too so I decided to share this cool stuff with you. In this post I am going to show you how to add pop up light box video player in blogger but before that I want to tell u that its a different player so can't just get embed code of your video and paste it and start showing pop up.
This player works in a different way so first you need to add code of this player in your blog and after that you need to add ID of a Youtube video. Remember that it can't play other videos like Dailymotion. Only vimeo and YouTube videos can be played with this player.

And to play a video you need to add its id first whether you want to play a Youtube video or Vimeo video, in both cases you need its id.

So in this post I will show you how to add pop up light box YouTube or vimeo video player and how to get id of a Youtube or vimeo video.

Features Of Pop Up Video Player:

1. Its free of cost.

2. Doesn't slowdown your blog, no render blocking scripts.

3. Easy to install.

4. Can play both YouTube or Vimeo videos.

5. Stylish and responsive design.

How To Add Pop Up Light Box Video Player In Blogger ?

Step 1: Go to blogger and login to your account.

Step 2: Open Layout of your blog.

Step 3: Click on Add a gadget and choose HTML/JAVASCRIPT.

Step 4: Copy code given below and paste it in to HTML/JAVASCRIPT window.

For YouTube Videos:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
<div id="jquery-script-menu">
<a rel="nofollow" href="Javascript:" class="link-lightbox" data-videoid="YOUR VIDEO ID" data-videosite="youtube"><img src=""/></a><br />
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script></div>

For Vimeo Videos:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
<div id="jquery-script-menu">
<a rel="nofollow" href="Javascript:" class="link-lightbox" data-videoid="YOUR VIDEO ID" data-videosite="vimeo"><img src=""/></a><br />
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script></div>

Step 5: Replace "YOUR VIDEO ID" with ID of video which you want to play in pop up.

How To Get ID Of A Youtube Video ?

Open a YouTube video and get the final elements from its URL like below is the URL of a video and the highlighted part of the link after "v=" is its ID

0mFXo88pyaU is the ID of this video.

How To Get ID Of A Vimeo Video ?

Similar to YouTube video ID, Vimeo also have video ID in its URL, Like this:

188471047 is ID of this video.

Step 6: Save your gadget and you are done.

How To Customize Video Player ?

You can show your video's thumbnail which when clicked will show the pop up or you can show some text like "watch this amazing video" both of these will play role of a trigger.

To add your video's thumbnail replace with your video's thumbnail link.

To show text Replace this piece of code with your text:

<img src=""/>

Replace YOUR VIDEO ID with your video ID.

I hope you loved this post, if not and you want to give any suggestion, feel free to contact us or leave a comment below. Your feedback is really valuable!

Thanks for visiting 101Helper.  Happy Blogging!

Search Keywords: Jquery on-click pop up light box video player for blogger, Popup video player, pop up youtube video player, pop up vimeo video player, how to create a video player with jquery, jQuery YouTube Popup Player Plugin

Saturday, October 22, 2016

What Are Top Online Businesses That Can Keep Your Pockets Full Every Time?

With the gloomy economy surrounding us from every end, there has never come a better time when people are in need of extra check, or even better a more assured source of income; this is without making a big investment up front. Thanks to the power of Internet today we do have some amazing business opportunities that can consistently keep our pocket full along with taking care of our mortgages, utilities and all other regular expenses.

Many tend to be wary with even the very thought of working on Internet as they believe online businesses can only be run by tech wizards, which is absolutely not true. Let us take a look at 5 top businesses that can be carried out online to make sure we never run short of money.

ebay-earn-moneyEBay: This is one of the biggest online marketplaces in the world but it is also a bit more than that. It makes it extremely easy for commoner to start their own online business. One can actually open a new account on eBay and start making decent money right within few hours. You can literally sell right about anything that you are not using and is no more functional to you. But to actually make a business out of it you should be leveraging products that can be sold over and again.

professional-blogging-earn-moneyProfessional Blogging: This is good for those who are deeply interested in one or more subjects, and love to write about their expertise. Blogs are like journals that are read by hundreds of thousands of people online. You can always have your own personal blog but when you write articles about something in particular then chances of financial gains are much higher. You can start blogging on right about everything, be it photography, technology, environment, health, cars and bikes or entertainment, so long as you can churn out unique, and interesting-to-read contents.
Information Marketing: This is the age of information and it is Internet that gives us the right medium for exchanging know- how for a decent money. You can share information related to different subjects like playing golf, shooting movies, fishing, and playing guitar and much more. You can share information that can come from your expertise, career, interest or hobbies and the same can give you good money as well.

Yahoo! Store: Though this business option is quite similar to eBay, it can be said that is gives more store-like experience in true sense. With this, you can have your own retail outlet but won’t have to give rent or manage employees. Neither will you have to worry about utilities nor any other expenses related to a regular brick-and-mortar store. The best part is that it can as hand-on as you want to be as there are drop-shippers that do most of your work.

Affiliate Marketing: This is probably the laziest way of making money as it doesn’t need you to have any kind of product, make any sale or have any kind of interaction with any possible customers. This is actually more of a referral business. All you need to do is send people to the websites that are already set up for paying affiliate fees after a sale is done. And, the affiliate payout could go $100+ per sale for a simple web hosting sale, and several hundred dollars for some of the expensive products.

 ⇨ Earn money from affiliate marketing in Blogger. 

Search Keywords: What Are Top Online Businesses That Can Keep Your Pockets Full Every Time? earn money from affiliate marketing, earn money from ebay, how to start professional blogging, make money tutorials blogger.

Friday, October 21, 2016

How To Remove Unwanted Or Broken Links From Google Search Results


After a long time I am writing a post about Google webmaster tools. Its because its important to share this information with you guys. The thing which I want to share with you is that after submitting a site to Google webmaster tools, we sometimes find some URL's which are broken and doesn't reach to a content rich page and it is bad for your site because too many broken links will lead to a spammy image of your site and that's not good for your site because it may be removed from search results for ever.

Moreover if you set 404 not found redirects it may solve the problem but it will be a temporary solution and also too many 404 not found redirects will also be considered as a spam web page. So In this post I am going to tell you how to remove unwanted and useless links of your blog from Google search results using Google webmaster tools.

How to remove useless/unwanted  urls from Google search results using webmaster tools?

Follow below steps:

1. Go to Google Webmaster Tools and Select a site which you have submitted to Google and you are getting too many broken links for it.


2. In the search console go to Google Index > Remove URL's.

remove unwanted urls from google search results

3. Click on Temporary hide and type the link which you want to remove from search results and click on Continue.


4. Select "Temporarily hide page from search results and remove from cache" and click on submit request.


This is it. I hope you found this post helpful. For more webmaster tools go HERE
Search Kewords: How to remove unwanted links from Google search results,webmaster tools tutorials for blogger,how to hide links from google search results,remove broken 404 urls from search results

Thursday, October 6, 2016

How To Add 125X125 Ad-space In Blogger Sidebar

Ad-spaces are always useful because they let you show ads in a different way rather than simple ads. 125X125 ad-space is even more useful than ordinary ad spaces because it lets you to show 4 ads at a time and all ads could be of different ad networks so you earn from all networks. It also adds a star to your site design so your site looks more professional. Also 125X125 ad-space compress your ads in a small area so if you want you can show 8 ads by just consuming ad space of 2 square ads, hence it is a beneficial thing.

So here is a quick post about how to add 125X125 ad-space in blogger sidebar. I will share two types of ad-spaces one for showing ads of any ad network and one for personal ad campaigns in which you need to add your advertisers ad image url and target url.

So lets begin!

How to add 125X125 Ad-space in blogger sidebar ?

Step 1: Go to Blogger Dashboard and open Layout.

Step 2: Click on add a gadget in right or left sidebar.

Step 3: Choose Html/Javascript.

Step 4: Copy code of ad space from below by your choice.


<div id="ad-case">
<li><a href="YOUR SPONSOR LINK HERE"><img src="YOUR SPONSOR IMAGE HERE"/></a></li>
<li><a href="YOUR SPONSOR LINK HERE"><img src="YOUR SPONSOR IMAGE HERE"/></a></li>
<li><a href="YOUR SPONSOR LINK HERE"><img src="YOUR SPONSOR IMAGE HERE"/></a></li>
<li><a href="YOUR SPONSOR LINK HERE"><img src="YOUR SPONSOR IMAGE HERE"/></a></li>
#ad-case li { position: relative; float: left; margin-right: 10px; list-style: none; padding: 0; margin-bottom: 10px; }
#ad-case { width: 400px; position: relative; }
#ad-case img { width: 125px; height: 125px; border: 0; padding: 0; }
#ad-case ul { padding: 0; line-height: 1.4; margin: 0; }


<div id="ad-case">
<li>YOUR 125X125 AD CODE HERE</li>
<li>YOUR 125X125 AD CODE HERE</li>
<li>YOUR 125X125 AD CODE HERE</li>
<li>YOUR 125X125 AD CODE HERE</li>
#ad-case li { position: relative; float: left; margin-right: 10px; list-style: none; padding: 0; margin-bottom: 10px; border: 1px solid #ddd; }
#ad-case { width: 400px; position: relative; }
#ad-case ul { padding: 0; line-height: 1.4; margin: 0; }

Step 5: Replace ad code text with your ad codes or add your advertiser's ad's image and link.


You can increase number of ad spaces by increasing each:

<li><a href="YOUR SPONSOR LINK HERE"><img src="YOUR SPONSOR IMAGE HERE"/></a></li> for personal ads

<li>YOUR 125X125 AD CODE HERE</li> for ad network ads.

I hope you found this post helpful, if not leave a comment or contact me.

Thanks for visiting 101Helper, Happy Blogging !

Search Keywords:

How to Create 125 X 125 Ad Space in Your Blog Sidebar

Add 125x125 Ad Slots To Your Blogger/BlogSpot Blog

Add 125x125 Advertise Here Banner Ads For Blogger

Advertise Here 125x125 Ad Banner Widget For Blogger

Sunday, October 2, 2016

How To Find RSS Feeds Of Blogger Blog

How to find RSS feeds of blogger blog

RSS feed is a source of latest posts in a blog or website. It contains a bunch of text with some summery from a post, its title, category, publish date etc. RSS feeds are required sometimes for some gadgets like recent post widget and sometimes it is need to submit RSS feed to certain websites which index your blog or site post on there site or promote your site's post so they require a link to your site to get all the latest info from your site once otherwise it will take a lot of time to index posts.
Other uses of RSS feed is in submitting posts to Google or Bing via Webmaster tools.

So here is a quick guide to get Feed URLs for a blogger blog.

Blogger Feeds URLS


Atom 1.0: http://[blogname]
RSS 2.0: http://[blogname]


Atom 1.0: http://[blogname]
RSS 2.0: http://[blogname]


Atom 1.0: http://[blogname] name here

RSS 2.0: http://[blogname] name here?alt=rss


Atom 1.0: http://[blogname]<postId>/comments/default
RSS 2.0: http://[blogname]

The same feed URLS are true for custom domains so if you have upgraded to a custom domain you can use your custom domain URL in place of [blogname]

Search Keywords: blogger rss feed url, Finding your Blogs Feed Url, How to Find Your Blog's RSS Feed URL, How to Get the RSS Feed URL From a blogspot blog, feed urls blogger, feedburner blogger tutorials, blogger feed