Friday, February 22, 2013

Best Seo Optimization Techniques To Promote Your Website

Seo Techniques
If you are wondering from where to start to improve your website’s search engine optimization, here are some best seo techniques which I am going to discussed for the improvement of your website.  For the Seo beginners I would like to say that first read some seo basics like On Page Optimization, Off Page Optimization etc. The evolution of the making the website visible and available to the search engine has more than two decades that concept of making a website easily visible to the robot is being used. As the search engines update algorithms and methodologies of working, the optimizer also have to change their traditional seo tips and get updated as per the new methodology. 

The latest techniques are discussed here:

1. Guest Posting: 

Seo Techniques
Allowing the guest users to blog this is one of the most effective ways of link building that cannot be ignored by any crawler. Place your articles and blogs on famous sites which will attract more and more people. Make your posts unique and informative. You can also try to write the guest post on top blogs . 

2. No Broken Links :

Seo Techniques
 Make sure that your website does not have a single broken link. When the website has a broken link it is a negative point for the websites reputation as it is listed as a less effective. This also reduces the number of visitors as people shall prefer using other websites instead of this site. Regular checks should be done to avoid this problem. A custom error page should be made that would be displayed when any link are not reachable. 

3. Follow your competitor’s link:

Seo Tips

This often helps to get ideas and clues about the points that we might have missed out and it also highlights any new methods if implemented by them. Make a thorough study of competitors and use the techniques used by them. By using this seo technique you can get an idea about the inbound links from various good sites. so you can also submit your website. Go through their content what type of content they are writing etc. Analyse and pick up their weakest point and  make it strong for your's.

4.Go for interviews: 

seo tips and Tricks
Your interview shall enhance the performance of your website as well as it shall also increase the brand value of your business. Be active on widely used social networking sites such as facebook, Twitter, Google Plus etc where you can get the reviews of common people easily. Contact other bloggers and interview them. Subscribe to sites that take interviews. 

5.Place content links on Authority Sites: 

Since search engines bots love the good quality content site. It is good seo practice to place your content  links on influential sites.This increases the value of your website thereby increasing the ranking and traffic.

6.Use Trackbacks: 

They help you to blog better and richer content along with permanent links. It is a good practice to display trackback links on your site. It is better to use this method as these links would not be deleted and will always be on the priority list of the bloggers. They are also very useful as they contain the keyword in their title which is rich.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Best Free Seo Tools To Improve your Site's Search Engine Optimization

Search engine won’t ignore you if you have quality and unique content with rich keyword and right context. But you should do something to get a top rank in search engine.

Keyword research, back link analysis, site map submission are some of the best practice to improve your search engine ranking.

These are the best search engine optimization tools to improve your site ranking in search engines.

Google Ad-words Keyword Tool

With the Keyword Tool, you will get best idea and you can choose best keywords for your website or blog , including ideas for negative keywords. It will also show you statistics, such as the number of monthly searches a particular keyword receives globally, to help you decide which keywords you might want to use.This is my favorite tool , used for keyword research. This is the best free keyword tool available on internet.

Google Keyword Tool

You can select “Only show ideas closely related to my search terms” to see only results that include your original search terms. There are lots of other features available in Google AdWords Keyword Tool to find the best keyword.

You can see your results as broad match, exact match, or phrase match, which will allow you to compare statistics for keywords with multiple match types  at the same time.

Do a keyword research before writing every article , to get a high page rank.

Open Site Explorer

Open Site Explorer

It is a tool from SEOmoz.  Open Site Explorer is the best tool for checking back links. It also shows page authority, domain authority,linking root domains, total links. Facebook shares, Facebook likes,tweets and Google+ reports  are limited to SEOmoz PRO  members only.

Now you can download SEOmoz PRO free trail for 30 days. this is the best SEO software I ever used.  This site has lots of articles that helps you to boost your SEO.

Keyword Suggestion Generator

Keyword SuggestionTool

Keyword Suggestion Genererator is a free tool from Lots of SEO tools are listed in this site. you can check out this keyword Suggestion generator and it will show Google related searches, Yahoo related searches and a combined search result.

Search Engine Reports

Search Engine Reports check the search engine ranking for every single keyword for a domain.You can download 30 days free trail to get access to their more features like reporting , graphs and dashboard. It’s free instant search engine ranking report works for me.

Search Engine Reports

Majestic SEO

Majestic SEO provide information on how all the websites on the internet link to each other . You can register free to get Free reports for the sites you control. Full site explorer summary data for any site
Majestic Seo

Google Insights for Search

With Google Insights for Search, you can compare search volume patterns across specific regions, categories, time frames and properties. Whether you’re an advertising agency, a small business owner, a multinational corporation, or an academic researcher, Insights for Search can help you gauge interest in pertinent search terms.

Seo Tips And Tricks

Keyword Density Tools

The Keyword density tools are very effective tool to check your keyword density.This tool will help you to looking at competing sites and discovering some good keyword phrases (and keyword modifiers) to use in your page content which you may not have noticed at a cursory glance helping you to see if one page is way out of synch with top ranked pages also  help you compare pages side by side.
Search Engine Optimization Tips

Online Site Map Generator

Sitemap is the heart of your website. is a  free online sitemap generator tool. You can build XML, ROR, Text, HTML sitemap from here. This is a very useful tool . Create your site map and submit it to Yahoo,Bing & Google . get indexed.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Latest Ethical Seo Tips And Techniques For 2013

Hurray! Want to get some latest SEO news to increase the ranking of your sites in search engines? Then take a look :-

1. Increase  your current ranking –
                  If you want to increase your ranking, then don’t copy contents from other websites.  If you will do so, then Hey, don’t blame me! Search Engines like Google will claim you. So, why to take risk? Always come up with some good, fresh and unique contents. And make sure that contents or a post that you are submitting has not been posted by somebody else.

2. Why to compromise with the quality of contents?
                Try to always use some keywords in first and last paragraph, it will make your content effective. Do you want search engine to consider your content as a Spam? No na.. then try to use more than 300 words in your articles. So please, don’t write too short and hey not even too long contents.
Keep it simple and effective with some targeting keywords.

3. Avoid spam links, Earn some good Inbound links –
              Always accept natural links, otherwise your websites will get hit by Google Panda. So build links naturally. If you want your website to be safe, then avoid inbound links from untrusted websites. Now, you are wondering how to avoid spam links? Simple – Go to Google Webmaster Tools and use “Disavow links” Yippee…

4. Get good ranking using Internal Links –
                    To get a good ranking one has to use internal links. Well, it’s a very good SEO technique which also offers many features. Internal links will help to make bounce rate lower.  Now if you want to improve your Internal Links, then you can use Breadcrumbs also.
5. Publicize your post in Social Media –
                   Now a day, most of us are using social media websites like Google +1, Twitter, Facebook and so on. So once you publish your content, you can submit the same on all these social media. If you will get Likes it means that your contents are good.  So Hurry Up, take advantage of these social media.

6. Make your website user friendly – 
                 As new technologies are evolving, then you should be smart enough to play with all these. Try to make your website more users friendly, so that people who are using Tablets, Smart Phones etc. can also access your sites.