Sunday, August 6, 2017

How To Get High Quality Links In 2017

How To Get High Quality Links In 2017

Why Are Links So Important?

Gaining links has always been a factor to determine the success of a website. Google algorithms recognise the value of an organic link, especially if the link is earned from an authoritative website.

Even in 2017, link building remains a priority for SEO professionals who are trying to rank their website well. There is a slight change, however.

Due to more recent updates in Google algorithms, like Google Penguin, Google now focuses a whole lot more on link quality, over link quantity.

Nowadays, only the highest quality links, which have good quality content and natural looking anchor texts, will be approved by Google's algorithm. The better the quality, the more chance you have of ranking your website above competitors.

But what does it take to get high quality links?

The Cost Of Building Links For SEO:

Building high quality links, which are 'natural looking', can cost you a lot of time and money - whilst building low quality links can cost you, well… with being penalized.

Creating a great backlink profile for your website not only takes up a lot of your time and effort in prospecting and outreach-approaching to journalists and websites, but also costs a lot of money through a person's time, as well as the price it might cost to submit a guest post on a site.

Authoritative websites such as Forbes, Huffington Post and Entrepreneur even accept guest post contributions. However, their high standard entry requirements mean that only few websites manage to receive the high quality backlink from these sites. This leaves the majority of websites on the internet with low to medium quality backlinks.

By considering the following, you'll be on your way to bagging yourself some high quality links in 2017:

Finding Relevant Sites To Outreach To:

The first stage of the link building process consists of browsing the internet to find relevant websites to pitch content ideas to. There are several pieces of software that you could use to help you along the way. I tend to use Buzzstream, the CRM for content marketing and link building. This allows you to search for relevant websites, and store them all in one place ready to reach out to.

When searching for relevant sites, there are two things you need to consider. You need to first check the domain authority of the site you are looking to reach out to. I always recommend focusing on websites with a domain authority of 50+ if you want to generate the highest quality links. You also need to check that the website is actually accepting content in the first place. You don’t want to waste the person's time pitching them a content idea if it says clearly on their site that they aren’t accepting posts.

Outreaching To Gain High Quality Links:


Once you have finished prospecting and have created a list of websites that you’d potentially like to write for, outreach is your next step. Outreach is the stage which you should invest most of your time into. Otherwise, how else are you going to build relationships with the persons who handle the editorial on the site?

It is best that you begin with writing out a great initial email to send. Instead of sending out a generic email which looks like it has been copied and pasted from many outreach templates, you must tailor the email so that is personalised and specific to the person or company that you are addressing. You need to make your email pitch stand out amongst hundreds of others.

Though don’t be put off if it takes multiple attempts at outreach before the site actually considers that your idea is a good fit for them, it happens.

Writing Good Quality Content:

It’s all well and good outreaching to websites asking for a link, but what actually is it that you are offering to them in return? No one enjoys being approached solely for a favour, unless it is worth it. So think to yourself, is the content and the link worth being on the stranger's site?

When outreaching, you need to connect with the addressee. How do you do this? By finding out a bit about them, and speaking like-minded to them. You could do this by checking out their LinkedIn or their personal Twitter account. You must clarify exactly what it is that you will be providing them and how this relates to them individually. You need to consider the quality and uniqueness of the content which you are going to write for this site in exchange for a link.

First make it clear from your email pitch the quality of the content you will provide. And second, make it clear in the content itself. Show them that your piece adds value to the readership of their high authoritative site, and that you haven’t just wasted their time.

Content is extremely competitive these days. The best pieces of content are of long form, comprehensive, optimized with images and provide users with value.

Provide content which people will actually want published on their site for their audience to read and engage with.

You might also like reading: How To Write A Powerful Blog Post ?

But how do you know what content to produce?

You should look out for the content which is generating the most interaction and engagement on the net. There are several ways of doing this. First you could look at content which your competitors are producing and see if that topic is receiving much engagement such as social engagement and shares. Similarly, there are several pieces of software which you could use to show you high engaged content on the internet, such as Ahrefs.

When writing content, you should write something which is unique and not something that users would have read before. If you come up with a unique piece of content, then a website is most likely going to want you to publish it on their site and give a link in exchange.

Building Engagement With Great Content:

High quality content doesn’t only provide you with a link in exchange, but will also build engagement from users. The better the quality of content, the more chances there are that people will enjoy reading the content and will want to share it for others to read too. In return, this will help to increase the awareness of yourself as an author or your company, as well as promote your knowledge in the industry (as shown in the content).

In 2017, it isn’t about getting hundreds of low quality links which are blatant blackhat SEO techniques, it is about putting in the time and effort to reach out to the most relevant and high authoritative websites, despite how challenging it may be. You might face frustrations and people turning you down along the way, but it will be worth it in the end. Outreaching to build high quality links in 2017 is a process of refining and personalising your pitch, providing relevance, and stating what added value your content will offer to the authoritative site!

libby teager speechless webdesign
  • Libby Teager
  • Site URL:
  • Libby enjoys socialising. Which means that she likes to go out with her friends, drink, then hit the gym to work it off. She’s a social media addict, who turned it into her profession. She loves her role as an account manager and researcher at Speechless Web Design. Almost as much as Big Macs. She once ate 3 in 24 hours.
  • View Author's Profile

Search keywords: link building sites list, how to get quality backlinks, how to create backlinks manually, Quality Links In 2017, backlinks seo, how to create backlinks for my website 101helper.

Friday, July 28, 2017

How To Install Emoji Reactions(Smileys) In Blogger

We all are familiar with emoji reactions because all of us use social networks and chatting and texting is incomplete without emoji reactions(smileys). These emoji reactions help us to explain our feelings about things and so I decided to create a post about it. So far I have seen in many blogs that they have emoji reactions in comment form and a emoji code is to be placed where emoji is to be shown but that's too old and most people don't like it. So I decided to tell you about these new type of emoji reactions that are placed in the bottom of post and show reaction of people to that post.

Maybe you are thinking why should I add emoji reactions in my blog, it is useless but let me tell you that blogging is not just about growing blog more and more and earn money, but you must have something more which will make your blog special and these emoji reactions will grab attention of many visitors and will also tell them about how many people liked your post. Here is a picture of emoji reactions which can be added in your blog posts.

Look how cute these are ! , I have taken a screenshot of these smileys and you can see that there are certain numbers tell us expression of people. So its a good thing for your blog, ain't it ? if not tell me in comments !

Features Of Emoji Reactions Buttons:

1. Ofcourse these buttons are absolutely free.

2. You can add them in website or blog.

3. Compatible with mobile and desktop site.


4. Reaction clicks are counted by IP.

5. Analytics available.

How To Install Emoji Reactions Buttons In Blogger ?

Follow below steps:

Step 1: Go to Sharethis Reaction Buttons.

Step 2: Click on  GET REACTION BUTTONS  button.

Step 3: Align your buttons to left, right or center.


Step 4: Click on  REGISTER & GET THE CODE  button.

Step 5: Enter your domain/blog URL, Email and password, check the terms and use box and click on   GET THE CODE .


Step 6: Copy the first code and go to blogger dashboard > Theme and click on Edit HTML.


Step 7: Paste the first code after  <head>  in your theme code and save theme.

Note: In case if blogger is not saving theme when you paste the first code after  <head>  then replace "&" from your script with  &amp;  as shown below

<script type="text/javascript" src="// &amp; product=inline-reaction-buttons"></script>

Step 8: Copy second code as shown in the image above and paste it where you want to show reaction buttons.

To Show Reaction Buttons Below Posts:

If you want to show reaction buttons below your posts then copy below code and paste it above  <div class='post-footer'>  in your theme code.
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<div class="sharethis-inline-reaction-buttons"></div>

Note: You will find  <div class='post-footer'>  two times in your theme paste the above code above second  <div class='post-footer'> .

Step 9: Save your theme.

Step 10: Go to Sharethis and login to your account.

Step 11: Click on Labs(beta) in the menu on left side and choose Inline Reaction buttons.

Step 12: Turn on your reaction buttons and wait for 5 minutes to let your reaction buttons get activated and start appearing below your posts.


Congratulations, you are done! wait for 5 minutes to see reaction buttons!

If Reactions Button Are Not Appearing: 

Sometimes reaction buttons still don't appear even after 5 minutes of activation, in that case go to your Sharthis account, Login to it and click on Property Settings and verify your email by clicking on the send verification button and go to your email and click on the verification button sent from Sharethis.


I hope you found this post helpful and enjoyed reading it, read more from below. If you have any question ask me in comments or you can contact us.

Thanks for visiting +101helper .

Search keywords: smileys for blogger,add emojis to blogger posts,facebook smileys in blogger,smiley reaction buttons below blog posts,emoticons blogger script,blogger emoji

Monday, July 10, 2017

Google Adsense In-Feed & In-Article Ads Update - Boost Adsense Earnings

Google Adsense is frequently improving and letting publishers use their new ad types. Recently Google Adsense updated "Matched Content" New Adsense Ad Unit which is like a related post widget and is really useful because it not only makes you money but also increase your page views.
Now Google Adsense have updated in-feed and in-article ad types which are also good and will improve your earnings. First let me tell you something about In-Article adsense ad unit.


Google Adsense In-Article Ads:

These are actually native ads and they are specially for articles as indicated by their name. This ad type is good for those blogs and website which have articles about something and because of their great look these ads will improve earnings. Here is a demo of Google Adsense in-article ad.


In-article ad is a responsive type of ad so you can't decide its width, it will adjust itself on its own. There are many options to customize ad look. You can see these options at the time of adding this ad.

Also you have option to "Show selected display ads" in the Global options section in your adsense account which allows you to to show selected display ads which can help you boost your earnings. Google decides which ads will be best for your blog or website. Here is a screenshot of customization options:


Adding this add is simple and exactly same as "Matched Content" New Adsense Ad Unit. To add Google adsense in-article ad in your blog's post go to your blog edit a post, switch the editor to HTML and paste the ad code where you would like the ad to show.

 Read More:  How To Add Ads Between Posts In Blogger 

Google Adsense In-Feed Ads:

This is I guess best ad unit for smart phone and tablets devices. And it is a good ad unit to get more clicks on ads from mobile traffic. Comparing with In-article ad unit In-feed ad unit has four different types and it comes with more customization options. Take a look:

1. Image Above In-Feed Ad:

2. Image On Side In-Feed Ad:


3. Title Above In-Feed Ad:


4. Text Only In-Feed Ad:


All these ad units comes with same customization option which are shown in below image.


You can add these ads in your posts as well as in the layout above or below your post. I recommend adding in between posts to get more clicks.

 Read More:  How To Add Ads Between Posts In Blogger 

 Read More:  How To Show Ads Below/Above Post Footer And Header In Blogger 

I hope you found this post helpful, read more from below for Google adsense tutorials.

Thanks for visiting 101Helper. Share this post with others!

Search keywords: Google adsense in-feed & in-article ads, increase,boost adsense earnings,get more clicks on adsense ads,ad units for mobile site,make money online blogging,101helper

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

How To Add Refreshable Random Post Widget In Blogger

I am again posting about random post widget and this is because I have made a special random post widget that can be refreshed by simply clicking on a button, I am also using this widget and so I decided to share it with you. You might be thinking why I am sharing this widget because you already have this widget but this is not an ordinary random post widget. It is a special widget and your visitors can refresh content and hence you have more reach to your older posts.

This widget is more good for big blogs which have 100 posts and visitors visit only a few pages. If you have same problem then this widget will help you, how ? the answer is obvious ! For example a visitor visits your blog from Google and read your post and see your ordinary random post widget and all the post he see doesn't grab his interest then he just leave your blog but if there is a refresh button he will just click on it and get some fresh content that will grab his interest and hence every visitor will give you atleast 5 views. I have tried this widget and it really multiply page views.

Another special thing about this widget is if your visitor doesn't refresh content it will be refreshed automatically after given time so your visitor gets fresh content any way and you get your traffic multiplied.


1. Refreshable content is available to visitors.

2. Automatically refreshable as well as can be refreshed by refresh button.

3. More exposure to visitors (old posts get reach ).

4. Increase your page views upto 5 pageviews / person.

What you need to install this widget ?

1. A Blogger blog

2. A free hosting like 000webhost or any other webhost to store your code on.

3. 5 minutes to follow below steps
Steps to Install Refreshable random post widget:

To add refreshable random post widget in your blog your need to follow below steps.

Step 1: Go to 000webhost and signup for a free account, enter your email, password and hosting website name(e.g myrandompost).


Step 2: Go to your email and click on the verification link to verify your account in the email from 000webhost.


Step 3: After confirming your account click on "MANAGE WEBSITE".


Step 4: Click on "UPLOAD OWN WEBSITE".


Step 5: Click on the icon as shown in the below image to create a file.


Step 6: Name it "index.html" and click on create.


You are almost done keep going !

Step 7: Copy below code:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="40">
<div id="important">
#important h3 { font-family: trebuchet ms; position: relative; top: 5px; }
#random-posts li {list-style: none;padding: 3px 0px;border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;}
#random-posts a {color:#3993e2;text-decoration:none;}
#random-posts a:hover {text-decoration:none}
#random-posts li:last-child {border:0}
#random-posts li { margin-bottom: 5px; list-style-type: none; width: 100%; float: left; }#random-posts img { float: left; margin-right: 5px; border: 2px solid #D9D9D9}
#random-posts {padding: 0;width: 24%;height:435px;padding: 0 0 0 5px;width:100%;list-style-type: none;padding: 0px;}
#random-posts a {font-size: 14.3px;font-family:trebuchet ms;}
#fresh { width: 100%; text-align: center; position: relative; top: 10px; }
#fresh a {font-family: trebuchet ms; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;color: #fff; background: #64ca64; padding: 8px 30px; width: 100%; text-decoration: none; border-radius: 100px; }
<h3>You may like reading:</h3>
<ul id="random-posts">
var randomposts_number = 5;
var randomposts_chars = 0;
var randomposts_details = 'no';
var randomposts_thumbnails = 'no'
var randomposts_comments = 'Comments';
var randomposts_commentsd = 'Comments Disabled';
var randomposts_current = [];
var total_randomposts = 100;
var randomposts_current = new Array(randomposts_number);

function randomposts(json) {
total_randomposts = json.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t
document.write('<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"><\/script>');

function getvalue() {
for (var i = 0; i < randomposts_number; i++) {
var found = false;
var rndValue = get_random();
for (var j = 0; j < randomposts_current.length; j++) {
if (randomposts_current[j] == rndValue) {
found = true;
if (found) {
} else {
randomposts_current[i] = rndValue

function get_random() {
var ranNum = 1 + Math.round(Math.random() * (total_randomposts - 1));
return ranNum
function random_posts(json) {
for (var i = 0; i < randomposts_number; i++) {
var entry = json.feed.entry[i];
var randompoststitle = entry.title.$t;
if ('content' in entry) {
var randompostsnippet = entry.content.$t
} else {
if ('summary' in entry) {
var randompostsnippet = entry.summary.$t
} else {
var randompostsnippet = "";
randompostsnippet = randompostsnippet.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, "");
if (randompostsnippet.length < randomposts_chars) {
var randomposts_snippet = randompostsnippet
} else {
randompostsnippet = randompostsnippet.substring(0, randomposts_chars);
var whitespace = randompostsnippet.lastIndexOf(" ");
randomposts_snippet = randompostsnippet.substring(0, whitespace) + "&#133;";
for (var j = 0; j <; j++) {
if ('thr$total' in entry) {
var randomposts_commentsnum = entry.thr$total.$t + ' ' + randomposts_comments
} else {
randomposts_commentsnum = randomposts_commentsd
}; if ([j].rel == 'alternate') {
var randompostsurl =[j].href;
var randomposts_date = entry.published.$t;
if ('media$thumbnail' in entry) {
var randompoststhumb =$thumbnail.url
} else {
randompoststhumb = ""
document.write('<a href="' + randompostsurl + '" rel="dofollow" target="_parent"><img alt="' + randompoststitle + '" src="' + randompoststhumb + '"/></a>');
document.write('<div><a href="' + randompostsurl + '" rel="dofollow" target="_parent">' + randompoststitle + '</a></div>');
for (var i = 0; i < randomposts_number; i++) {
document.write('<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"' + randomposts_current[i] + '&max-results=1&callback=random_posts\"><\/script>')
<div id="fresh"><a href="/">Refresh Content !</a></div>

Step 8: Right click on your index file you just created and edit it.


Step 9: Paste the copied code which you copied in step 7 and click on "SAVE & CLOSE"

Make following changes before saving:

1. Replace with your blog URL.

2. Change 40 if you want the widget to refresh automatically after desired time.

3. Change 5 to change number of posts.


Step 10: Now again right click on your file and click on "VIEW".

Congratulations ! now your refreshable widget in ready to be installed in your blog.

Step 11: Copy your file URL from the browser and replace it with YOUR LINK HERE in below code and copy the final code.
<iframe width="90%" id="reloader" src="YOUR LINK HERE"></iframe>
<style>#reloader {width:100%;border: 0;height: 550px;}</style>

Note: Do not include https: in your URL, you URL should be without https: otherwise browser will not let it load e.g: // 

Final code appearance:
<iframe width="90%" id="reloader" src="//"></iframe>
<style>#reloader {width:100%;border: 0;height: 550px;}</style>

Step 12: Go to blogger > layout and click on add a gadget in the sidebar. choose HTML/Javascript.


Step 13: Paste the copied code and click on save.

Open your blog to see refreshable random post widget.

I hope you liked this widget, share your opinion in comments.

Share this post with others because ❤ Sharing is caring !

Search keywords: Refreshable Random Post Widget for Blogger, Random post widget for blogger, iframe random post widget, blogger gadgets, 101helper blogging tutorials.

Monday, June 12, 2017

"Matched Content" New Adsense Ad Unit - Boost Your Earnings

This is my another post about Google Adsense and I am happy to announce that Google Adsense has a new ad unit that is "Matched Content" ad unit and it is a great opportunity for Adsense publishers to boost their Adsense earnings plus it has some more great features that will surely impress you and you will start using this ad unit.

Here is a screenshot of this ad unit:

matched content adsense new ad unit blogger

You can see that it looks similar to Related Posts Widget and thats the special thing about this ad unit that you can not only recommend your posts but also show adsense in between them and these ads are native so Google finds most similar posts of advertisers and show them in your ad unit and people click these ads because these ads are native and they are of their interest.

So you can say that this ad unit is simply amazing and best way to boost your Adsense earnings as well as increasing page views. Also after adding this ad unit you can remove your related post widget because it works as related post widget and ad server.

Before showing you how to install this ad unit let me tell you that this ad unit is not available for every Google Adsense user, to know are you eligible for this ad unit go to your Adsense account and create a new ad unit, if matched content ad unit option is there then it means you can use this ad unit.

Eligibility to use Matched content

Depending upon your site traffic your site may fall in one of the following categories.

1. Not eligible - Your site doesn't have a minimum requirements for traffic volume and number of unique pages.

2. Eligible but can't show ads yet - Your site have a minimum requirements for traffic volume and number of unique pages but still needs improvement.

3. Eligible and can show ads - Your site have our minimum requirements for traffic volume and number of unique pages, and it can show ads.

Step to check if your site is eligible for Matched content:

1. Go to Google Adsense and login to your account.

2. Go to settings > my sites > Matched content


2. Go to my ads > create ad unit > Matched content ad unit.

Read more about Match content feature at Adsense Help Center

How to Install "MATCHED CONTENT" Ad Unit In Blogger Blog ?

1. Go to Google Adsense and login to your account.

2. In the right side bar click on My ads and create a + New ad unit.


3. Select Matched content ad unit.


4. Customize your ad unit, you can change style of ad unit and also change size of ad unit. There is a preview available!


5. Copy your ad code:

6. Place it where you would like to show your matched content ad unit.

Tips for placement:

1. Place your matched content unit below your articles.

2. Place your matched content unit in sidebar.

How To Install Ads In Sidebar ?

How To Show Ads Below/Above Post Footer And Header In Blogger ?

How To Show Ads In Mobile View In Blogger ?

I hope you found this post helpful. If you have any question ask me in comments. Thanks for visiting 101Helper.

Search tags: adsense matched content ads blogger,wordpress,website, how to get matched content ads in google adsense account, how to get eligibility for Google matched content ad unit, earn money from adsense tutorials 101helper.

Friday, May 19, 2017

How To Install Push Notifications In Blogger To Engage Visitors


We know that engaging visitors to blog is not easy and there are many ways people use to get people engaged to their blogs such as sending emails, social network followers, send texts to mobiles(Shopping sites) etc and the reason to get people engaged is to improve rank plus increase traffic and earnings. So in this post I am going to tell you about a new way to get people engaged and its the method some big websites such as Facebook is using. By this method you can send push notification to your subscribed visitors on Google chrome and Firefox.

Push notification is not a new thing and almost everyone know it because in smartphones it is very common but on web pages it is not common so its time to get benefit of this thing and engage people to your blog. Here is a screenshot that may tell you better about push notifications.

Best thing about this plugin is you can use it for both your desktop and mobile site and it is also for free. You can also upgrade to unlock some features but for a blog it is good to use it free unless you have a business site.

This plugin is powered by PushEngage and it need a 5 minute integration time so it is easy to use this plugin.


I always share feature of plugins to let you know about a plugin and decide whether to use it or no. Here are some features of PushEngage plugin.

1. It is for free as well as you can buy premium version.

2. Supports multiple browsers (Chome and Firefox) so you can engage visitors from any of the two browser.

3. Easy and fast integration.

4. Work on both HTTP and HTTPS links.

5. Notification scheduling feature.

6. You can connect your blogs RSS feed and notify your visitors when ever new content is published.

7. Multiple language support.

8. Works on wordpress.

9. You can use one account for multiple sites.

10. You can send text and text + image notifications to your visitors.

11. You get more traffic than Emails.

How To Install Push Notifications In Blogger?

Step 1: Go to PushEngage.

Step 2: Fill out the signup form, type your blog or custom domain URL, enter your email, type a pushengage subdomain name, enter your password and click on start your free trail.

Note: It is written "start your free trail" but you can use account for free untile you have 2500 subscribers and for more your have to upgrade.

Step 3: Scroll down and copy your code as shown in below image.

Step 4: Go to your blogger account and navigate to theme > Edit HTML.


Step 5: Paste the copied code just below <head> in your theme and save it.


Step 6: Customize your notification widget in your PushEngage accoun, you can customize following things:

1. Adding RSS Feed(pro users only).
2. Welcome notification settings.
3. Subscription Dialogbox Settings.


How To Send A Notification ?

Go to your account and a click on Notifications in the menu and click on New Notification to create your notification. All the settings are easy just fill out and send.

Finalizing Article !

You can get most of it if you upgrade to premium account but its also useful if you can't upgrade because you engage atleast 2500 users. You can find more push notification senders on google and if you have a good one, please let me know so that I can create tutorial about it.

If you have any question related to this article or any other article you can contact me or ask me in comments. Thanks for visiting 101Helper don't forget to share this article with other blogger around you.

Search tags: Push notification gadget for blogger, how to add push notification in blogger blog, custom domain, how to use pushengage,engage visitors to my blog,push notification widget for blogger,101helper blogging tutorials.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Disadvantages Of Buying Custom Domain For Blogger

As you know that 101Helper was upgraded to some months ago and then it was again degraded to blogspot, the reason for this was that custom domain doesn't give you things that you expect and so it is not good to buy a custom domain in my opinion. So this post is on request and I am going to share my experience of why I upgraded 101helper to and why I degraded it back. I hope that if you are also thinking of upgrading your domain, you might get some advice from this post.

So the main goal to buy a domain is to:

1. Boost traffic.
2. Increase earnings.
3. Get popular and improve ranking.
4. Make a brand.


But actually you don't always get all the things mentioned above for example if you think you can increase your traffic after buying a domain then its wrong, reality is that after buying a domain you lose the traffic which you have gained. And similar to that if you lost your traffic you will ultimately lose your ranking, earnings etc. So here are the reasons to avoid buying a domain.

1. Its not free:

Everybody knows that buying a domain is not for free, although there are some domain name providers that give you a discount but still you have to pay atleast $10 to buy a domain. There are some fake offers too like HOSTGATER says buy a domain for $0.01 but when you come to register they ask you to pay $20 or more for two years or whatever.

I purchased my first domain at Ipage and no doubt there service was good, always available to help but they were also lying at the time of buying domain like the offer "Get $100 in Google adwords after spending $25" and when I asked them about this offer they told me that this offer is available for USA only while at the time of purchasing domain they didn't tell the truth.

Similar to Ipage other domain registrars also use these fake tricks to get more customers as I mentioned Hostgator above.

2. Rank, Shares, Backlinks Lose:

When a blogger blog is upgraded to a custom domain Alexa and other ranking websites do not include the backlinks and shares of old blog so you get traffic from these sources but the rank and backlinks you got for the blog are no more. Also Alexa forgets the old blog after sometime so you lose everything.

3. Fake Pageviews:

I am not sure about all the domain providers but when I upgraded 101Helper to I saw a dramatic increase in my traffic but the sources were unknown and blogger was unable to track the viewing source. So I got 2000 to 3000 pageviews but ad-views were just 600 because it was real traffic.

4. Ad networks Lose:

Some ad networks like Google Adsense, Yahoo Gemini and do not accept new domains easily and review site again and reject it so if you have a blog and got approved for Adsense or are you upgrade to a domain, you'll be not allowed to show their ads until you get approved and the approval process starts again and its almost impossible to get approved for the new domain. Even after specifying that its the upgraded version of the same blog you are unable to use the same account and network. So it is a very big lose I guess.

5. Search Rankings:

After upgrading to custom domain "search ranking"  is also lost. It means if your blog is on first page of search results it may go to 5th or 7th page of search results or it may even disappear and take months to re-appear again and the hard work you did to get you blog to top of search results is wasted. So if your blog is appearing on 1st or 2nd page of search results for a keyword then buying a domain would be a bad choice and your competitors will get a good chance to replace you.

6. Search Engine Results Intermixed:

You might have heard this first time but when a blogger blog is upgraded to a custom domain the search engine is confused and show mixed results and it happened with 101Helper also. When I upgraded to a custom domain, everything was fine for a month because Google, Bing and Yandex were busy in replacing old links with new domain links but after a month I found that my mobile site links with "?m=1" suffix were showing up in the desktop version of Google and I tried to fix it with Webmaster tools but unfortunately I was unsuccessful in doing so.

So visitors were viewing mobile site on desktop or desktop site on mobile which was bad for user experience and I was loosing traffic because of it.

7. Post Preview Feature Lose:

Blogger is the easiest platform for blogging and it has many features and among them a feature is that you can Preview a post while editing it or writing it or adding any ad inside it. But when a blog is upgraded to a custom domain this feature is lost (in my case it was lost) and when preview button is clicked, the whole page is crashed and nothing works so you have to close the whole browser while writing a post and it becomes very difficult to edit or write a post.

8. Encrypted Page(HTTPS) Feature Lose:

This is another feature which is lost after upgrading to a custom domain, it tells visitors that the page they are viewing is secure. So to get this feature back you have to pay for it and the amount they get for this feature is more then the domain price! So its better to get this feature for free.

9. Your Information Is Available to Everyone:

This is another thing that made me stop using custom domain which is they ask you the info and allow public to view it and to secure this info they again ask you to pay.

10. You Don't Have Full Control:

Blogger gives you full control over your blog but domain providers don't. Such as you can't make changes in your DNS in case of mine I was not able to do so. So I  had to go to support everytime I wanted to make changes in DNS. And when I asked them to let me control my domain's DNS they said you are not allowed to do so, first buy a hosting (not domain) which was of $30 and then you will be allowed to make changes in DNS.

11. Fake Offers To Get Customers:

As I mentioned above many registrars like Hostgator and Ipage have fake offers in their promo pages and banners e.g free adwords credit, seo marketing tools, FTP features(upload files), Email sending feature. All these offers are just to attract visitors and these are just tricks to get more customers and sell their packages.

Confusions And Wrong Concepts

Ad Networks Approve Custom Domains:

You might have read alot of posts on other blogs and websites that some ad networks like Google Adsense is approved when you have a custom domain which is absolutely a wrong concept. The reason for this confusion is these bloggers and website owners actually want to refer you to domain providers and get commissions.

PageRank Increase Slowly With Subdomains:

Almost all bloggers favoring custom domains write in their posts that buying a custom domain is the first requirement to gain a good rank which is again a very wrong concept because you can check many sites which are registered for years but rank is not that good.

More Shares And Followers:

Another wrong thing that I have read in some blogs and websites is that your post social media shares get increased along with your social followers when you have a custom domain which is again a wrong concept and the reality is that if you have a good, helpful, meaningful content that people like they will surely share, bookmark and read your content and also they will follow you because they like your content and they don't want to miss more content in future.


This is also a wrong concept that if you have a custom domain then you have a good reputation because I have seen many blogs which have better design, more followers and more readers than websites. So if you thing that purchasing a custom domain is going to help your reputation then its wrong!


I am not against domain registrars, I am just sharing my experience. Although some people get success by upgrading to Domain but if you are starting a new website then you should start it from domain and not from blogger because it takes a long time and hard work to make a successful blog and then after upgrading you don't get full of it. So in my opinion if you want to start a domain later after success in blogging then its not good choice. Also if you are beginning a website then choose the best domain provider and also your website should have a topic that will rock otherwise you can't get success in websites.

If you have any questions or any suggestion or opinion please feel free to share it with me and others by leaving a comment below. Thanks for visiting 101Helper.

Search keywords: disadvantages of buying a domain, pros and cons of purchasing domain,things to consider before buying domain name,reasons not to buy a custom domain for blogger,hostgator,ipage